Risk management

To seek the fulfillment of the mission, the achievement of goals, the strengthening of Internal Control, the improvement of administrative activity and compliance with applicable regulations. Seeking a balance between benefits, risks and costs.


  • The identification, analysis, updating and evaluation of risks by process. 
  • The definition and implementation of controls and actions aimed at avoiding, mitigating, sharing or transferring the risks identified and prioritized in each of the processes, in order to ensure compliance with their objectives.
  •   Follow-up of the mitigation actions defined for the risks prioritized in each of the processes. 
  • Periodic review of the risk map to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation actions and identification of new risks.


Leader: Quality Management
Medical Director
Human Resources Director
Administrative Director
Inventory Director
Commercial Director
Financial Director
ICT Director

Technology Management Axis

To guide the guidelines for the management of technology in the Colombia clinic and its integrated sites, through the processes of acquisition, incorporation, follow-up, final disposal in accordance with the provisions of current regulations and renewal of technologies, to minimize the risks associated with the use of technology contributing to the continuity and quality of service delivery to patients.


  • Strengthen the regulation of guidelines for the identification of needs, evaluation to suppliers and costs, timeliness in the delivery and availability of technology in the institution.
  • Execute the technical reception of technology, ensuring the quantities, technical specifications and conditions of use according to the data sheets and institutional documents.
  • Execute check rounds, verifying the proper functioning of the technology.
  • Strengthen the maintenance and metrology programs of the institution’s technology.
  • Strengthen technology obsolescence, keeping us at the forefront of technology.
  • Execute training mechanisms for our collaborators to promote capabilities and competencies in the proper and safe use of technology.
  •  Promote the proper use of health technologies and foster a culture of reporting and management of technology-related adverse events through the Pharmacovigilance, Hemovigilance, Reactivevigilance and Technovigilance programs.
  • Promote the integrated management of waste electronic devices, medical devices and drugs in accordance with environmental regulations.


Leader: Clinical Engineering Coordinator
ICT Management Coordinator
Maintenance Coordinator
Pharmaceutical Chemist


Improve clinical health outcomes, reducing complications, avoidable mortality and readmissions, through risk management and continuous improvement, proposing clinical outcomes and successful experiences that positively impact the patient, his family and the region.


Design and implement strategies in the care process that generate results and positive impact on the health and well-being of the patient and family, taking into account the living conditions, family dynamics and socio-cultural context, resulting in a satisfactory experience for all stakeholders during the care process.


Leader: Medical Director
Clinical Management Coordinator
Quality Director
ICT Director
Patient Safety Coordinator
SIAU Coordinator
Teaching Analyst Service
Accreditation Support Professional
Concurrent Audit Coordinator

Humanization axis


To generate a culture of Humanization that recognizes the integrality of the human being and focuses efforts on the needs of people at the individual level, promoting human value, ethical commitment, quality improvement and trusting relationships between users and clinic staff, protection of life in general and respect for human dignity.


  •  Strengthen the culture in the doctor-patient and health team-patient relationship through humanistic training for the institution’s personnel.
  • Strengthen the recognition and incentive program for the personnel from welfare and human management processes.
  • Promote self-concept, self-esteem and self-recognition of the personnel through recreational and formative activities that promote competencies and human development based on the experience of shared principles and values.
  • Maintain comfortable and welcoming environments for the development of work and the satisfaction of patients and their families.
  • To train care and support personnel in patient accompaniment strategies: helping relationship, counseling.
  • Strengthen and expand the corporate social responsibility program based on community impact activities.
  • Encourage teamwork with a humanizing perspective.


Leader: SIAU Coordinator
Human Resources Director
Medical Management
Commercial Management
Patient Safety Coordination
Teaching Service Coordination
Integral Wellness Professional
Accreditation Support Professional
SIAU Administrative Assistant
Communications Professional
Quality Analyst

Axis of continuous improvement


To plan, manage, monitor and maintain the progress of the improvement plan for each group of standards, aligned with institutional continuous improvement.


  • Support institutional improvement management from different sources (accreditation self-assessment, internal audits, external audits, committees, etc.).
  • Evaluate the group of quality improvement standards.
  • Integrate and harmonize the different sources of institutional improvement.
  • Monitor progress in the implementation of improvement opportunities originating from the different sources of improvement.
  • To be accountable for the results of the implementation of the institutional improvement plan, its deployment and dissemination to the institution.
  • Report management results to Management.


Leader: Quality Management
Medical Director
Human Resources Director
Administrative Director
Inventory Director
Commercial Director
Financial Director
ICT Director



To foster commitment in all our collaborators to provide high quality care that directs us to a cultural transformation with ethics and transparency, contributing to sustainable development.




  • Design, implement and monitor the strategies of actions necessary for the fulfillment of activities related to: institutional values, rights and duties, humanization, quality of care, portfolio of services, training and issues related to health accreditation..
  • Follow up on the cultural planning of the institution to promote motivation, knowledge, innovation and leadership aimed at improving the work environment of health professionals.



Leader: Human Resources Director
Medical Management
Quality Management
TICS Management
Commercial Management
Patient Safety Coordination
SIAU Coordination
Teaching Service Coordination
Integral Welfare Professional
Accreditation Support Professional
SIAU Administrative Assistant
Psychology Intern
Communications Professional