It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the stakeholders and the relationship established with Clínica Colombia ES in order to define the commitments and agreements that guarantee the quality of the service providing the final satisfaction of the external client.

  • Provide timely services with quality, warmth, clean and pleasant physical infrastructure, friendly, qualified, responsible and capable personnel.
  •  Provide spaces for dialogue for the community (auditoriums, mailboxes, etc.).
  • Provide spaces for collaboration with the institution.
  • Allow participation in decision making through committees and user associations.
  • Provide friendly and fair treatment.
  • Promote spaces for dialogue and socialization of information of interest for the exercise of functions.
  • Fulfill duties in full (timely payment, vacation scheduling, etc.) Provide ongoing training to staff.
  • Delivering information in a transparent and timely manner.
  • Fulfill obligations and commitments in a truthful and timely manner.
  • To carry out honest contracting in accordance with the legal framework.
  •  Ensure the best quality of the contracted services or products.
  • Support suppliers in the improvement of their processes.
  • Impartiality in the treatment of contractors.
  • Responsible consumption of resources (water, energy, telephone).
  • Recycling of reusable items (paper, glass, cardboard, etc.).
  • Use of appropriate containers for waste classification.
  • Follow-up of the deposit of hazardous elements, waste route, final disposal.


A conflict of interest is understood as a situation in which an employee has or assumes commitments that respond to external interests or obligations or with third parties, which jeopardize his dedication and honorability, and leaves the ethical nature of his behavior in doubt.



The Clinic relies on the commitment, transparency, good judgment and good faith of its collaborators, as an essential element for the management of their personal and professional affairs and for the handling of situations involving conflicts of interest. In any case and by way of example only, the following situations are identified as generating a conflict of interest:

  • Make any personal investment in a company if such investment could affect, or appear to affect, his or her ability to make impartial and objective decisions regarding business related to the Clinic.
  • Conducting or participating in businesses in which the counterparty is the Clínica and in which the employee has a personal or family interest. Likewise, participation in companies that have established or seek to establish business with the Clínica.
  • Participate in the acquisition, contracting or investment decisions of assets for Clínica, when the employee, his/her spouse or relatives or companies in which they have a share in the capital stock, are the suppliers of the respective asset.
  • The Clinic’s employees may not receive money or commissions on a personal basis, as this activity may promote a biased decision.
  • According to the Clínica’s guidelines, it is allowed to make or accept normal social attentions within the normal activity of internal and external relations and that have a defined institutional objective.


When an employee is faced with a situation in which two conflicting interests are present, the following considerations should be taken into account:

  • The employee must disclose to his or her immediate superior the nature and extent of any conflict between his or her own interests and those of the clients.
  • If a situation arises that could be considered a conflict of interest in a negotiation with persons or entities related to those who do business on behalf of the Clínica, either by affinity or consanguinity, the employee must inform his or her immediate superior and the negotiation must be carried out by a person other than the person who presents the conflict of interest.
  • Avoid attending to personal matters during working hours or making use of the organization’s resources.

The clinic considers that conflicts of interest must be managed and resolved according to the particular characteristics of each case. Any situation that raises doubts regarding the possible existence of a conflict of interest must be dealt with as if it existed.

All managers and collaborators who are faced with a possible conflict of interest or consider that they may be faced with one, must immediately inform their hierarchical superior of the situation, who in turn will inform the next level up to one of the members of the Steering Committee, who will inform the Steering Committee at its next meeting, or earlier if the situation warrants it.