
Based on the provisions of Article 1 of Resolution 1995 of 1999 and Resolution 839 of 2017. The Clinical History is a private document, mandatory and subject to confidentiality (…) This document can only be known by third parties with prior authorization of the patient or in the cases provided by law.

Likewise, according to Ruling T-182/09 – Constitutional Court: “for deceased patients, as well as those who are not in a position to authorize their relatives due to their mental or physical health condition, the clinical history can only be known by the family group of first degree of consanguinity, complying with the requirements established by law”.

How to request a copy of the Medical History?

In order to request medical records in person, the requirements must be taken into account according to the following cases:

Para la entrega de la historia, además, de la obligación legal de reserva que se me impone al acceder a la información de mi historia clínica o de mi familiar. Me comprometo a utilizar la información solicitada solo para satisfacer las razones mencionadas, manteniendo su confidencialidad y reserva. Tratamiento de Datos Personales de la Institución.
Por medio del diligenciamiento del presente formato, autorizo de manera voluntaria, previa, explícita, informada e inequívoca al FABILU SAS para tratar mis datos personales, con fines de conocimiento del cliente; de acuerdo con la circular externa No 009 de abril 21 de 2016 de la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud; y a las finalidades establecidas en la Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales de la Institución.

The documentation must be attached according to the case mentioned by filling out the form and attaching the information.