According to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Colombia Clinic is governed by the current regulations regarding the rights and duties of patients taking into account the statutory law 1751 of 2015, resolution 4343 of 2012 and resolution 13437 of 1991. Annex to this, these rights and duties are contemplated from resolution 3280 of 2018 where they allude to the maternal.


Monday to Saturday from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Sundays and Holidays from 9:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M

Phone: PBX 602 385 0285


  1. Receive the emergency care that may be required with the opportunity that his or her condition may require, without any document or prior payment being required. without the requirement of any document or payment in advance.
  2. To enjoy an adequate communication with all the personnel of the institution, to receive clear, appropriate and sufficient
    information that is clear, appropriate and sufficient to allow him/her to make free decisions.
  3. To be treated with dignity, without any discrimination, respecting their convictions, decisions, beliefs, customs, as well as the opinions they have about the procedures.
  4. To request care from the health professional of their choice and to receive a second opinion from a health professional.
    a second opinion by a health professional available within the institution in case of doubt about your diagnosis and/or
    doubt about your diagnosis and/or management of your health condition.
  5. To have your medical records treated confidentially and to be able to consult them free of charge, and to obtain a copy of them. free of charge, and to obtain a copy of it by the means provided for that purpose.
  6. Receive humanized, safe and quality care from all our collaborators, according to established protocols.
    collaborators, according to the established protocols.
  7. To have their privacy and intimacy respected throughout the entire care process.
  8. Patients with disabilities have the right to transit through accessible and properly marked spaces, according to their condition.
  9. The right to die with dignity, respecting their will to allow the process of their death to follow its natural course, including their right to natural course, including their right to refuse interventions that may delay this process.
  10. To receive or refuse spiritual assistance.
  11. Express your opinion about the services received through the formal channels of communication established in the institution and your communication channels established in the institution and its branches and to receive a timely response.
  12. To have access to health services and technologies that guarantee comprehensive care,
    timely and quality care, according to existing protocols.
  13. To receive a humanized and egalitarian treatment that does not discriminate or condition by race, culture, creed, religion or health condition in all the religious creed or health condition at all stages of care.
  14. To request and receive information on the cost of the services obtained and to be informed about the procedures to access non-covered services. to be informed of the procedures for accessing non-covered services.
  15. To respect your decision to oppose the legal presumption of organ donation, expressing your desire not to be an organ donor.
    your desire not to be an organ donor.


  1. To take care of themselves, their families and their community.
  2. Actively participate in the rehabilitation process throughout the entire care process.
  3. To provide the health personnel responsible for his/her care with truthful, clear and timely information related to his/her health status, previous illnesses, identification and contact information.
  4. To comply with the recommendations made by the health personnel regarding the treatment plan.
  5. To care for and make rational use of the clinic’s resources, infrastructure, equipment and facilities in general.

  6. To provide a humane, respectful and dignified treatment to the collaborators who attend him/her during his/her process, as well as to all the people with whom he/she interacts during his/her care.

  7. Comply with the rules, regulations and instructions of the Institution and safeguard your medical information.
  8. To adopt the safety recommendations established by the institution.
  9. To act in a supportive manner in situations that endanger the life or health of persons.
  10. Actively receive the information given by the medical staff at the time of discharge.
  11. To be affiliated to the general system of social security in health, to use the benefits appropriately and to comply with all the regulations in force.


  1. To provide truthful information about their personal data, contact telephone numbers and address of residence.
  2. To respect the administrative, medical and assistance collaborators of Clínica Colombia ES.
  3. To abide by the visiting hours in the different services of Clínica Colombia ES.
  4.  To comply with the co-payments established by law for users who use our services.
  5. To take care of the facilities at Clínica Colombia ES, during their instance..
  6. Keep in mind that in case of loss of personal belongings, Clínica Colombia ES will not be held responsible.
  7. Respect the facilities of the Clínica Colombia ES, the rooms are for hospital use only, and the beds can only be used by the patient and not by family members.
  8.  The permanent companion is the person who must watch over the care of his/her family member during hospitalization.

It is worth mentioning that the socialization of the rights and duties of the user is done in person by the staff of the SIAU user service using as support the brochure where they are evidenced and generating the explanation for better understanding of these. This socialization is recorded as received by means of daily attendance.