What is an association of users?
It is a group of people affiliated to the contributory and subsidized regimes, who have the right to use the health services according to their affiliation system and who will watch over the quality of the service and the defense of the user in the institution where he/she is attended. The Users’ Association will watch over the fulfillment of the rights and duties of the users and their families, in conditions of quality, dignified treatment and opportunity, in accordance with the institutional principles and values, the policies of the company in compliance with the regulations applicable to the health sector. It will be a non-profit organization, formed by a plural number of users and will allow the participation of users and their families with the support and monitoring of the institution through training and periodic meetings.

The Users’ Association acts as an intermediary between users and the Clinic, carrying out, among others, the following actions:
- Redirect users to the appropriate area within the company so that they can receive complete advice on the requirements for accessing the clinic’s services.
- To be an effective communication channel to know the concerns and suggestions of the users related to customer service activities or related to the quality and timeliness of services, so that they can be escalated with the directives of the institution and be taken into account.
- Collect suggestions, recommendations, concerns and requests from users, made through their representatives, referring to aspects of customer service and quality of services provided by the organization.
- To make known the projects oriented to the users and to obtain their feedback regarding them.
- Suggest ideas to improve the quality and timeliness in the provision of health services, in favor of the defense of the rights of users and the fulfillment of their duties.
Who can be part of the users' association?
Any user of ClĂnica Colombia’s services, freely attending the invitation made by the IPS, to the General Assembly of Users to promote their name and offer their vote to people who demonstrate their interest in forming such alliance. Provided that it complies with the requirements of Law 850 of 2003 (Article 19), in terms of inabilities, impediments and incompatibilities established for this purpose by the rule that regulates the citizen oversight.
How to become a member of our association?
If you wish to become a member, please call 6023850285 Ext. 1108 or write to [email protected] and provide the following information: first and last names, ID number, telephone number, cell phone number, e-mail address, occupation, comments.
Decree 1757 August 3 /94
The modalities and forms of social participation in the provision of health services are based on social participation and consultation, which are fundamental pillars of the social health security system.
Chapter 1: Forms of participation in health.
Chapter 2: Citizen participation.
Chapter 3: Community participation.
Chapter 4: Participation in the Institutions of the SGSSS.
Chapter 5: Social participation.
- President
- Secretary
- SIAU Coordinator
- SIAU Assistant